rubik's cube

Zach Olivare

Software Engineer

Frontend architect with backend experience

My degree is in Software Engineering, but at my core, I am a problem solver. I love puzzles in all forms and I am constantly looking for new challenges.

With 10 years of industry experience, I am dedicated to finding effective solutions to complex problems.

Zach Olivare
GLAS thermostat

GLAS by Johnson Controls

I worked on developing the user interface, defining the architecture, and implementing the cloud communications for Johnson Controls' first smart thermostat. It was built in UWP on a Windows IoT core device.

Nurse Management System

Nurse Management System

I developed the front end of a nurse management system for Eversana that allows coordinators to search for and manipulate nurse records through a variety of user friendly mechanisms, including a custom Google Maps integration. It was built from the ground up with React, Typescript, Redux, Webpack and Babel.

JCI Open Blue illustration

JCI Corporate Design System

I co-led the development of a corporate design system for Johnson Controls. It was written in vanilla JavaScript for maximum adoptability throughout the company, and we created wrappers for React and Angular to simplify the API for common use cases.

Bright Cellars logo

Bright Cellars

I lead the development of the Bright Cellars design system, as well as a complete re-write of their customer facing website into Next.js. I also contributed to their internal data collection efforts and support tools.

Skyslope logo


At Skyslope I'm working as part of our Innovation Team, focused on rapid creation of proof-of-concept efforts to vet business ideas.


Open source contributions

I've done a considerable amount of open source work over the years. I have contributed to notable libraries including Google's Material Design components, Microsoft's C# Azure IoT SDK, and Vercel's Next.js. Additionally, I've published a monorepo management tool, Unorepo as well as gremlin-cosmos, a wrapper for the Gremlin graph DB query language.

Build In

CSS, TypeScript, HTML, JavaScript, C#, Java

Build With

React, Next.js, React Query, Redux, Webpack, Babel, Angular

Build For

Web, Node, CLI, Windows, IoT, Mac, mobile

My Other Interests

When I'm not writing code, I enjoy cooking, photography, and spending time with my fiancé Kierstyn and my two dogs, Lola and Fitz. I'm an avid Brewers fan and love venturing into the great outdoors whenever possible.

Also, as you might have guessed from my website, I also enjoy solving Rubik's cubes! I have cubes as small as a 2x2 and as large as a 7x7, but my favorite is still the good 'ol 3x3.

This site was beautifully designed byKierstyn Olivare